Anna's post is definitely revealing her heart and some of the most recent things going on in her life. I have loved being able to walk along side her as she has had to make summer decisions. I am thankful for Anna's faithful obedience to the Lord, even when it's not easy and when it doesn't make a lot of sense.
trust in the Lord. Lean on God and everything will be alright. Place your
burdens on Him and rely on God for provision.
All of these sentences are lovely sentiments I
have heard and said to friends more than a time or two. Trust and other fluffy
words role off the tongue and are oh so easy to say. They are even pretty
encouraging sometimes, BUT what happens when you are the one on the receiving
end of statements like these? What happens when people are telling you to trust
and all you want to do is grip tighter to whatever it is you’re holding on to?
What happens when trusting is the last thing you want to do?
This summer I was given the opportunity to work
at two amazing camps: JH Ranch in California and Lost Valley Ranch in Colorado.
Both camps are beautiful places; both camps would take me outside of my comfort
zone; but most importantly, both camps are dedicated to the mission of God and
spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. However, with all of these similarities
there is one crucial difference between the two camps…money. To put it plain
and simply Lost Valley is paid, JH is not.
I would love to sit here and say that I am a
person who doesn’t care about money, who isn’t worried about finances and
saving, but to say that would be a lie…So while God repeatedly put working at
JH on my heart, I repeatedly ignored Him. On the outside I would say things
I know
that the Lord will put me where He wants me,
but behind that prayer I was
know Lord, you’ll put me where you want me, and I’m so glad you want to give me
a job where I get paid…. Where I am already kind of leaning towards…. Thanks
Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how
you look at it) like most fights I pick with God, He always wins out, always
besting me for the better.
He wants
me at JH, it’s plain and simple. I have been fighting and not trusting Him, but
this is where He wants me.
In two months I will be in Northern California,
in an unpaid job with no one I know, and completely out of my comfort zone. Am
I positive that the Lord will provide? Honestly, I don’t know. But what
I do know is that He has always provided for me in the past—so I am doing it,
I’m taking this leap of faith, this dive into the unknown, and I am trying to trust God the best that I can.
Will it be the easiest way? Not at all, but
what part of our journey with God ever is?
He doesn’t promise comfort, but he does promise that if we trust him,
we’ll find ourselves in a place maybe far different than we could have planned,
far greater than we could have hoped or imagined.
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