Kids and babies teach you things. And I just spent an entire week with my mom's whole side of the family at our family's lake house, therefore, I spent a lot of time with little kids and babies. I picked up on a few things and learned a few lessons:
- There is never an inappropriate time to swing on swings. You get to experience the freedom of the wind blowing through your hair and you get to enjoy the thrill of swinging really high in the air. Best. Thing. Ever.
- We begin to say very early on: "I am a big girl and I can do it by myself." By the grace of God may we learn that we can't do it by ourselves and that we need Jesus each and everyday.
- Dancing creates all sorts of giggles and laughter, so dance a lot... even if it's just moving in circles and being all kinds of goofy.
- "Mine" is one of the first words in a child's vocabulary and one that is difficult to overcome. Lord, grant us hearts to share and hearts that want to freely give. Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act. Do not say to your neighbor, "Come back later; I'll give it tomorrow"-- when you now have it with you. [proverbs 3:27-28]
- We all crave attention and the desire to be known and heard and loved. Praise to the fact that the God of the universe looks at us as children and we can call Him "Abba."
- Playing dress up is never a bad idea. I learned that with third-floor McMansion, but these little kiddos reminded me.
- When you're five and you hurt someone else's feelings things are quickly resolved by saying sorry and giving one another a hug. Lord, may we come to know the power of repentance and forgiveness and humility more.
- Eating all of your peas just so that you can have a cookie after dinner is worth it. And I'm celebrating that because I am twenty-two I can eat dessert before my dinner anyways. BAM.
- Tubing is sure to strike fear in the hearts of four-year old little girls, but when they have their daddy right beside them it seems exhilarating and beautiful. Life is kinda like that too: Life and the unknown is sure to strike fear in the hearts of twenty-two year old girls, but when they have their Daddy right beside them it seems exhilarating and beautiful.
- Tears express discomfort or some kind of discontent. May we be less scared or self-conscious of crying and more prone to search out the discomfort or discontent in our life and ask Jesus to bring healing and to fill those voids.
I am thankful for these little lessons and reminders. I am thankful for a week with my family. And I am thankful for some of these special moments and the pictures that captured them:
there is no where else i would have rather been |
the beauty speaks to His majesty |
two and a half years old, some kind of cute |
dancing with my favorite little man, owen |
brenna:my little bestie |
tubing on the most beautiful of evenings |
brenna & brooke always wanting to help |
owen's twin brother and my favorite little smile |
if the shoe fits |
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