Monday, June 18, 2012


I have come to realize that the Lord works in our lives in seasons... seasons of learning, of standing still, of being stretched, of searching, of seeking, of graveling, of hurting, of overflowing with joy, or surrendering. There are so many seasons. I have decided to write a blog in order to track the seasons of my life and of my walk with the Lord.

I believe that the Lord is good and faithful always and I cannot wait to see the seasons that He brings into my life.

I currently feel the Lord bringing me into a new season. I cannot identify what it is exactly, but I am excited for it. It shall be a season of learning about myself and who the Lord has created me to be. I do not know what that will look like, but I feel the Lord pulling on my heart and I feel an awakening in my soul.

In order to fully capture this season, I will begin with where I am right now:

Right now I am at Timber Wolf Lake, the Young Life camp in Northern Michigan that absolutely captured my heart two summers ago. I came to Timber Wolf the summer after my freshman year of college on Summer Staff for the month of June. I do not know quite how I got here, other than the Lord was ready to do big things in my life. It was in that month that the Lord planted a seed in my heart, a seed that has now blossomed into a beautiful passion for Young Life camping and specifically for this camp in Michigan. (Sidenote: I really like the south, especially North Carolina, but the Lord is mysterious and has made me adore this northern state.) Last summer I was blessed to be able to spend my entire summer at Timber Wolf as the office intern. The Lord blew me alway last summer as the seed the Lord had planted the summer before began to grow and roots were established in this place. I fell even more in love with Timber Wolf, the property staff, the office, and all of the campers that came to know Christ on this property. I could not turn the opportunity to work at Timber Wolf for a third summer away so I am back here. I am back at the place I have come to refer to as home... for a second summer, interning in the office.

The Lord is already doing huge things at Timber Wolf this summer. He is working on this property, in the intern community, in the lives of campers, and in my heart. I can feel His presence in this beautiful place and I am overwhelmed by His love and adoration of His people. I can feel the Lord pulling on my heart to go deeper with Him and to come to understand Him more. He is calling me to surrender all that I am to Him and to dive head first into everything that He wants to teach me. It is going to be an intense summer of personal reflection and letting the Lord tear me apart only to make me new again. I am excited for this season, but I am a little nervous for what the Lord wants to reveal to me. My prayer is that in the end, I will know myself better and I will know the Lord better.

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